Evolving the Rules of Inertia Matching

The old 1:1 rule of inertia matching no longer applies. With today’s faster processors and advanced control algorithms it’s possible to design a lighter, smaller, more cost-efficient machine that outperforms machines based on outdated technology and ideas. Learn how.
See Exactly How Your Motor Will Perform

With just a few clicks, our Performance Curve Generator graphs the continuous torque, peak torque at different temperatures, and torque/speed characteristics of all our housed motors. There’s never been an easier way to evaluate the optimum motor for your application environment.
Building a Successful Surgical Robotics Company Through Customizable Cobot Design

On Demand
Join Dr. Jindong Tan, the President and Founder Azure Medical Innovation, along with Gene Matthews, Kollmorgen Senior Product Manager as they discuss navigating through the unique challenges that are presented in the surgical collaborative robotics market. They will explore critical engineering considerations when specifying surgical application needs regarding collaborative features, AI integration in the surgical flow, and certification requirements.
AKM2G Servo Motors

Get significantly more torque, increased feedback performance, reduced cabling and other next-generation capabilities—without changing your installation footprint. What will these motors do for your machine?